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Can Magnesium Cream Help Improve Your Sleep?

August 18, 2022 2 min read

Can Magnesium Cream Help Improve Your Sleep?

Have you ever heard of magnesium cream? It is a product that many people value for its ability to help you sleep.  Sleep can be hard to come by for many individuals for a variety of reasons.  If this is the case for you, magnesium cream might very well catch your interest! 

Let's delve into magnesium cream and talk about how adding this to your nighttime skincare routine may benefit your sleep:

What Exactly Is Magnesium Cream?

Magnesium is a mineral that is found in many foods. So, eating a balanced diet just might do the trick for many people. But for those that have high-stress levels, are suffering from anxiety, depression, or have issues with food intolerances, a lack of magnesium can be a concern.

Magnesium cream, a cream made with a small particle magnesium so it can penetrate the skin, is another way to add magnesium to your body.


Will It Help Me Sleep Better?


Studies show that low levels of magnesium have been linked to poor sleep quality and insomnia. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31850132/  and one study showed that taking a magnesium supplement daily helped patients to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23853635/

How Do I Use Magnesium Cream?

Magnesium cream can be used in many ways.  Apply it to your skin during your night time routine to encourage sleep.  You can also apply it to your neck and shoulders where many people are tense.  Applying the product there can help your muscles release some of the tension.  Some people report it helps with back pain or leg pain associated with cramps or soreness from working out.  For post workouts, apply magnesium cream directly to the muscles that are sensitive to cramping as a preventative measure.


Magnesium is a hard working mineral in the body.  It is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body.  If you feel like you could benefit from a magnesium supplement, talk with your physician and discuss the benefits and side effects of different supplement on the market.  Magnesium could just be what your body is needing. 

Organa International offers the finest mineral products to help individuals improve their health and vitality. If you are looking formagnesium cream, check out what we offer!

Get Magnesium

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