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Why You Aren't Getting As Much Iron As You Think You Are

January 30, 2023 3 min read

Why You Aren't Getting As Much Iron As You Think You Are

Many people believe that as long as you eat meat regularly, you will get all of the iron that you need in your diet. Haem iron is found in meat, fish, and poultry. People also think that you can eat a few hamburgers or steaks per week and get the amount of iron that you need. However, that isn’t likely to be true depending on what the rest of your diet consists of. We will review the importance of iron, different types of iron, and what iron means to your overall health. 

You Need a Lot of Iron in Your Diet

The Recommended Dietary Allowance of Iron for adults between the ages of 19 and 50 is 8mg of iron daily for men and 18 mg for women. In addition, 27mg is recommended during pregnancy and 9mg for lactation. Therefore, if you are pregnant or nursing, you should pay particular attention to your iron intake. There are not many foods that contain the amount of iron that your body requires in one day. Clams (containing up to 28mg per 3.5 ounce portion) is one of the exceptions. Clams, however, vary in iron content. 

Iron-Rich Foods Are Not Necessarily As Rich In Iron As You Think

As we discussed previously, people often think that meat and poultry are packed with iron. In reality, they contain far less iron than you might think. The breakdown is worth a look:

  • Liver (2.5 oz) - 4.6 mg of Iron or more
  • Beef (2.5 oz) - up to 2.4 mg of Iron
  • Chicken (2.5 oz) - 0.9 mg of Iron

What are some other important sources of iron?

  • Raw Spinach (1 cup)  - 0.9 mg of Iron
  • White Bread (1 slice) - 1.3 mg of Iron
  • Sunflower seeds (1/4 cup) - 1.2 mg of Iron
  • Roasted Pumpkin Seeds (1/4 cups) - 4.7 mg of Iron
  • Tofu (3/4 cup) - 2.4 mg of Iron
  • Baked Potato With Skin - 1.9 mg of Iron
  • Cooked Spinach (1/2 cup) - 3.4 mg of Iron
  • Lentils (3/4 cup) - up to 4.9 mg of Iron

What an Iron-Rich Diet Really Looks Like

It isn't impossible to get all of the iron you need from food but it can be a daunting task. Let's take an example from some of the items we reviewed. A hearty lentil salad, along with a handful of pumpkin seeds, some cooked spinach, and liver would get you on the right track. However, it isn't easy to eat a lot of iron-rich foods on a daily basis for the majority of people.

The Type of Iron Matters

It is important to be aware of whether or not you are consuming iron-rich foods. Heme iron can be found in seafood, meat, and poultry. It is easier to absorb than non-heme iron that comes from plants. In addition, vitamin C is known to improve iron absorption. Therefore, if you consume a lot of non-heme iron, you may want to supplement your diet with vitamin C. 

What Happens if You Don't Get Enough Iron?

Iron deficiency is most commonly seen in children, women who are menstruating or pregnant, and those who eat an iron-deficient diet. Signs of an Iron deficiency are fatigue, weakness, lightheadedness, confusion, sensitivity to cold, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, pale skin, and hair loss. Deficiencies such as iron-deficiency anemia are often treated with oral iron supplements of up to 150-200 mg of iron daily. 

Fortunately, There is Organa Iron

Organa Iron is made with only two ingredients: elemental iron and pure RO water.  There are no fillers, additives, salts or proteins.  Due to the tiny particle size and purity, you get a premium iron supplement with the highest quality and potency. 

The nano sized particles contained in Organa Iron allow your body to absorb and utilize the iron at a cellular level.  Organa Iron is already in its elemental form which means your body does not have to break it down further.  This allows your body to absorb the iron quickly and efficiently. Organa Iron is available in 30ppm and 100ppm and in 8oz, 1 Quart, and 1 Pint. 

 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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